The aepd (Spanish data protection agency) makes available a tool to help entrepreneurs and technology startups to comply with data protection regulations.

This new tool aims to support entrepreneurs and startups whose treatments are characterized by a strong innovative component that makes use of new technologies, generating documents such as the privacy policy after completing the process.

The mere obtaining of the documents provided by the tools of the AEPD does not imply, in any case, the automatic fulfillment of the obligations that the RGPD and the LOPDGDD establish for the users. responsible and in charge of the processing of personal data, in particular regarding the principle of active responsibility that the RGPD develops in its Chapter IV. These are initial help documents aimed at facilitating the understanding of said obligations and initially addressing them appropriately.

Based on the documents obtained, those responsible and in charge of personal data processing must carry out as many adaptations as may be necessary in a particular way for each personal data processing; taking into account the risks that for the rights and freedoms of natural persons could derive from said treatments depending on their nature, scope, context and purposes (Recital 76 and Article 35.1 of the RGPD).
